For providers

Providing Re-entry into the community

90-Day Residential Treatment Program

Clinically Managed 90-day Residential Treatment Program Intake and orientation to the program takes place within 48 hours of arrival at Dismas Home. This includes assessments such as: Level of Care Evaluation, Mental Health and SUD Evaluations. Case management then begins relative to connecting the client to appropriate services, including medical and mental health care, developing short/long term S.M.A.R.T. goals for SUD and Mental Health Treatment Plans, exploring employment opportunities, and SUD treatment and recovery support services As a provider of a 90-Day Residential Treatment Program, Dismas Home of NH:
  • Adheres to a clinical care manual that includes policies and procedures related to all clinical services provided.
  • Ensures all clinical services:
    • Focus on the client’s strengths;
    • Are sensitive and relevant to the diversity of the clients being served;
    • Are client and family-centered;
    • Are trauma-informed and designed to acknowledge the impact of violence and trauma on individuals’ lives and the importance of addressing trauma in treatment.


After completing the 90-day program, the Resident is ready to transition into the Dismas Home of NH Transitional Living Program (TLP). In this program, residents progress toward becoming self-determined women with ongoing SUD services and clinical support to sustain and maintain recovery/sobriety. They continue to work toward their S.M.A.R.T. short/long term goals, to develop healthy relationships with themselves, families, and others, to maintain a financial budget, to obtain and maintain employment, to take care of their physical and mental health needs, and continuing to prioritize a healthy recovery and sobriety.

  • As a provider of the Transitional Living Program, Dismas Home of NH will:
  • Provide Transitional Living Services according to an individualized treatment plan designed to support individuals as they transition back into the community. These services include:
    • a minimum of three (3) hours of clinical services per week,
      • of which a minimum of one (1) hour is delivered by a licensed Counselor or an unlicensed Counselor supervised by a Licensed Supervisor,
      • with the remaining hours delivered by a Certified Recovery Support Worker (CRSW) working under a Licensed Supervisor or a Licensed Counselor.
  • A maximum length of stay of six (6) months.

Dismas Home NH abides by the following General Guidelines for Delivery of Service:

  • DIsmas Home shall deliver services using evidence-based practices, as demonstrated by meeting one of the following criteria:
    • Ensuring services are included as an evidence-based mental health and substance abuse intervention on the SAMHSA Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center;
    • Ensuring services are published in a peer-reviewed journal and found to have positive effects; or
    • Ensuring services are based on a theoretical perspective that has validated research.
  • Dismas Home shall deliver services in this Contract in accordance with o
    • The ASAM Criteria (2013).
    • The Substance Abuse, Mental Heath Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs)
    • The SAMHSA Technical Assistance Publications (TAPs).
  • Dismas Home shall offer individuals receiving services individual or group education on prevention, treatment, and nature of:
    • Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).
    • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
    • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD).
    • Tobacco Treatment Tools that include:
      • Assessing individuals for motivation in stopping the use of tobacco products;
      • Offering resources that include, but are not limited to the Department’s Tobacco Prevention & Control Program (TPCP) and the certified tobacco cessation counselors available through the QuitLine.


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